Osteoarthritis is characterised by joint pain and mobility impairment associated with the gradual wearing of cartilage. There is no cure for osteoarthritis.

The Arthritis Management program provided by Merrylands Physiotherapy is aimed at providing increased joint mobility and function, symptom relief, and improved quality of life.


The arthritis management program may provide symptom relief, improved joint mobility and optimised quality of life whilst deferring or decreasing the need for surgical intervention.


Physical therapy is effective in reducing pain associated with osteoarthritis through improving range of motion, joint mobility, muscle strength and flexibility.

The physical therapy treatment provided is focused on muscle stretching, joint mobilisation and range of motion exercises.


Self management education can assist patients in achieving decreased pain and improved quality of life. As part of the arthritis management service, patients receive education on osteoarthritis and develop practical skills to reduce pain and minimise the impact the disease has on their life.

To book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists, please Book Now by calling our Merrylands Practice on (02) 9637 5553