Physiotherapists have had extensive success in relieving the pain associated with headaches without the use of medications. Aspirin use may lead to increased doses, side effects and more severe headaches in the long term.

Can Physiotherapy Treat Migraine Sufferers?

Migraines affect many people. The trigger for migraines are not yet fully understood however, changes in the function of the blood or nervous system in certain areas of the brain and changes in chemical balances within the body are blamed for causing migraine attacks. The pain is generally located on just one side of the head, however it can cover both. Symptoms usually include severe headaches with throbbing, pulsing or stabbing pains. Migraines can also cause nausea, loss of appetite, increased sensitivity to light and altered bodily perception.
It is important to have your migraine checked by our Physiotherapist as Physiotherapy has been shown to help reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks.

Can Physiotherapy Treat Migraine Sufferers? How we treat headaches

Headaches can range from migraines to autointoxication from constipation. Techniques include laser acupuncture (LA), transcutaneous (non-needles) electro-acupuncture (TCEA), soft tissue massage (STM), manual lymphatic drainage (MLD, dietary advice and home exercise regime/program.

True migraine sufferers have a bad neck and hypoglycemia. The neck can be treated with manual therapies (MT), laser acupuncture (LA), transcutaneous (non-needles) electro-acupuncture (TCEA) and soft tissue massage (STM) while the hypoglycemia is addressed with dietary modifications, LA and TCEA to change hypoglycemic episodes.