Expert Sports, Deep Tissue and Remedial Massage in Sydney
Muscle and joint pain may occur if you workout too much, if you have muscular problems, or even if you are suffering from another illness. Tone down your exercise a little if you truly believe that is the problem.
Treating muscle and joint pain
Diagnosis is very easy, due to the technology at hand in an Era Health clinic. Tests and examinations are performed to find out if you are fit for work, fit for duty, and if you have any problems that are going to deteriorate over time.
Fees are going to vary depending upon your condition and the number of tests that need to be performed on you. There are nursing and ancillary staff available to assist the doctors and specialists, all of which makes the process smoother and more streamlined for patients.
Muscle and joint pain can come from many sources
You need to get yourself checked out with an Era Health doctor to be sure that your joint or muscle pain is not a symptom of something far more serious. If not, then there are many causes, such as:
• Trauma through accidents
• Fractures and broken bones
• Falls and bumps
• Strains and sprains
• Repetitive stress
To book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists, please Book Now by calling our Merrylands Practice on (02) 9637 5553